The Peter S. Brunstetter Aquatice Center

The Aquatic Center is located in a rural public park owned and operated by Forsyth County.  The center is located along the park main road and adjacent to a large parking lot.  The aquatic center responds to a varied clientele and events that include toddlers and teenagers, recreational swimmers, tri-athletes, competition meets, and provides decking for sunning, concession, and picnicking.


The bathhouse is a formal five block plan consisting of a central block with an interior octagonal reception/entry area creating four adjacencies for vending, lifeguard/first aid, mechanical and equipment storage.  Off the central pavilion are two rectangular blocks that contain day lockers for valuables and function to connect and allow privacy to the two remaining pavilions that house the changing, showering, and restroom facilities.  The three pavilions with separate metal roofs and supporting wood laminate structures rise above a horizontal ventilation louver that not only creates ventilation in the summer months but also creates a horizontal banding of striated shadows between roof and split face block giving the illusion that the roofs are floating.